2025年1月6日(星期一)——GILDAN Activewear Inc.(多倫多證券交易所代碼:GIL;紐約證券交易所代碼:GIL)欣然宣布,公司已連續第十二年入選道瓊斯可持續發展™北美指數,成為全球上市公司中ESG績效的領先者之一。
Gildan 在此次評比中排名第98位,位居紡織、服裝與奢侈品產業的前2%。該行業共有189家公司接受評估,而Gildan則是唯一入選DJSI北美指數的服裝製造公司,繼續展現其在永續發展領域的領導地位。
Montreal, Monday, January 6, 2025 – Gildan Activewear Inc. (GIL: TSX and NYSE) (“Gildan” or the “Company”) is pleased to share that it has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability™ North America Index (DJSI North America)1, one of the world’s leading ESG performance rankings for publicly traded companies. This marks the 12th consecutive year the Company has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. The results highlight that Gildan continues to be a sustainability leader, ranking in the 98th percentile of the Textiles, Apparel, and Luxury Goods industry2 out of 189 companies assessed in this industry. Gildan was the only apparel manufacturing company included in the DJSI North America.
“We take pride in being included in the DJSI North America again this year. ESG is an integral part of Gildan’s long-term business strategy, and our continued inclusion in the DJSI reflects our two-decade long commitment to sustainability,” says Glenn Chamandy, President and CEO of Gildan. “With our Next Generation ESG strategy firmly rooted in the Gildan Sustainable Growth strategy, we are paving the path for an even more sustainable future for Gildan, our people, our communities, and the environment.”
The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) are a family of best-in-class benchmarks for investors who have recognized that sustainable business practices are critical to generating long-term shareholder value and who wish to reflect their sustainability convictions in their investment portfolios. The indices measure the performance of companies selected from an Invited Universe that satisfy Environment, Social, Governance & Economic criteria using a best-in-class approach. Constituents of the DJSI are determined using a company’s S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) score. The Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index represents the top 20% of the largest 600 North American companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index that lead the field in terms of sustainability.